Gratz, et al. v. Bollinger, et al., No. 97-75321 (E.D. Mich.)
Grutter, et al. v. Bollinger, et al., No. 97-75928 (E.D. Mich.)

Table i2
Democracy outcomes from the classroom study on the intergroup relations, community, and conflict (IGRCC) program
Citizenship engagement
  Perspective-taking blue button
  Interest in politics in general blue button
  Interest specifically in group inequality blue button
  Commitment to future political involvement blue button
  Involvement in campus political activities blue button
  Involvement in community service blue button
  Involvement in student government  
  Anticipated commitment to community/politics after college blue button
Compatibility of differences
Enjoyed learning about the experiences and perspectives of other groups
blue button
Thought more about my memberships in different groups
blue button
Learned a great deal about other racial/ethnic groups and their
  contributions to American society
blue button
Gained greater knowledge of my racial/ethnic groups' contributions to
  American society
blue button
Involved with groups and activities reflecting other cultural and
  ethnic backgrounds
blue button
Involved with groups and activities reflecting my own cultural and
  ethnic background
blue button
  Perceived non-devisiveness blue button
  Positive views of conflict blue button
  Negative views of conflict blue diamond

Notes: IGRCC Participation during the first year of college is a dichotomous measure: participant, nonparticipant. The two groups were matched as first year students, for gender, race/ethnicity, instate-out of state residency, and residence hall at Michigan. Each group was followed for four years: The outcome measures shown here come from the fourth year questionnaires that both groups completed. Positive effects indicated by a square; negative effects indicated by a diamond. Nonsignificant effects (p. > .05) not shown.

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