Amicus Briefs Filed with Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
in Gratz v.
Business, education, and social justice organizations file amicus briefs
in support of the University of Michigan's defense of its undergraduate
admissions policies.
Summary of Arguments in Amicus Briefs—Gratz
Revised: December 16, 2002
Note: The documents below noted as 'MSWord .doc' will download to your computer for viewing.
American Council on Education, et. al.
Attorney General of Ohio (68K MSWord .doc)
Civil Rights Project of Harvard University
Fortune 500 Corporations
General Motors Corporation (164K MSWord .doc)
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (96K MSWord .doc)
Michigan Attorney General (64K MSWord .doc)
NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund
Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research (140K MSWord .doc)
Thirty-six Faculty Members of The Ohio State University
College of Law (56K MSWord .doc)
UAW (International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace
and Agricultural Implement Workers)
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