Volume 1: Documents and Materials
Exhibit Description
A. Senate Assembly Statement, The Value of Diversity, dated January 26, 1998.
B. Statement of National Board of Directors, University of Michigan Alumni Association, dated April 24, 1998.
C. Article by Provost Nancy Cantor in Michigan Alumnus, A Michigan Legacy: Ensuring Diversity and Democracy on Campus, Summer 1998.
D. The Michigan Mandate, dated March, 1990 (Deposition Exhibit 121).
E. Association of American Universities statement, On the Importance of Diversity in University Admission, dated April 14, 1997.
F. Memo from Theodore Spencer re: Reason for Diversity, dated September 25, 1996 (Deposition Exhibit 21).
G. 1995 SCUGA Guidelines (Deposition Exhibit 4).
H. 1998 Selection Index Guidelines (Deposition Exhibit 11).
I. 1998 Instruction for Automatic Decisions on LS&A Applicants (Deposition Exhibit 12).
J. 1998 Freshman Application Sort (Deposition Exhibit 19).
K. The University of Michigan Bulletin (Viewbook for 1994-95 school year) (Deposition Exhibit 77).
L. 1997 SCUGA listing of high schools (Deposition Exhibit 18).
M. College of LS&A Guidelines for All Terms of 1998 (Deposition Exhibit 10).
N. College of LS&A Guidelines for All Terms of 1995 (Deposition Exhibit 3).
O. College of LS&A Guidelines for All Terms of 1996 (Deposition Exhibit 5).
P. College of LS&A Guidelines for All Terms of 1997 (Deposition Exhibit 7).
Q. 1997 SCUGA Guidelines (Deposition Exhibit 8).
R. Defendants’ Objections and Responses to Interrogatory Numbers One (1), Two (2), and Ten (10) Through Fourteen (14) of Plaintiffs’ Interrogatories to Defendants (Set I), dated April 7, 1998.
S. Tables for Fall 1995 (GPA2) (Deposition Exhibit 45).
T. Tables for Fall 1995 (GPA2) (Deposition Exhibit 46).
U. Profiles for non-minority students, Spring-Fall 1996 (Deposition Exhibit 23).
V. Profiles for under represented minorities, Spring-Fall 1996 (Deposition Exhibit 24).
W. Memo from Theodore Spencer re: Request for Minority Admission Policy, dated October 4, 1995 (Deposition Exhibit 52).
X. Smith v. University of Washington Law School, No. C97-335Z (W.D. Wash. Feb. 12, 1999).
Y. College of LS&A Guidelines for All Terms of 2000.
Z. 2000 Selection Index Guidelines.
AA. Procedures for Reviewing LS&A and Engineering Freshman Applications for All Terms of 2000.
BB. College of LS&A Guidelines for All Terms of 1999.
CC. 1999 Selection Index Guidelines.
DD. Center for Individual Rights: Racial Preferences in Higher Education, A Handbook for College and University Trustees, 1998.
EE. Defendants’ Supplemental Objections And Response To Interrogatory Number One (1), dated June 9, 2000.
Volume 2: Deposition Excerpts1/
Deponent Deposition date Lee Bollinger Nancy Cantor
James Duderstadt
Diane Gauss
David Hunter
Marilyn Knepp
Marilyn McKinney
Robert Seltzer
Theodore Spencer
James VanheckeFebruary 9, 1999
February 17, 1999
January 8, 1999
June 4, 1998
March 11, 1999
October 2, 1998
October 1, 1998
September 22, 1998
June 3-4, 1998
July 21, 1998
1 / Some of the deposition testimony included in Volume 2 of the Appendix was designated by defendants as confidential pursuant to the Unopposed Stipulation and Protective Order Concerning Confidentiality, entered May 28, 1998. Pursuant to ¶ 5 of that Order, defendants waive their confidential designations for any materials included in the Appendix
Volume 3: Expert Witness Reports
Expert Witness
Derek Bok
Albert Camarillo
Eric Foner
Patricia Gurin
Stephen Raudenbush (with Supplemental Reports)
Claude Steele
Thomas Sugrue
Kent Syverud
Robert Webster