JUSTICE THOMAS, with whom JUSTICE SCALIA joins as to
Parts IVII, concurring in part and dissenting in part.
Frederick Douglass, speaking to a group of abolitionists
almost 140 years ago, delivered a message lost on todays
[I]n regard to the colored people, there is always
more that is benevolent, I perceive, than just, mani- fested
towards us. What I ask for the negro is not be- nevolence,
not pity, not sympathy, but simply justice.
The American people have always been anxious to
know what they shall do with us
. I have had but
one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us!
Your doing with us has already played the mischief
with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not
remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are
worm-eaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed
to fall, let them fall!
And if the negro can- not
stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask
is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let
him alone!
[Y]our interference is doing him posi- tive
injury. What the Black Man Wants: An Address
Delivered in Boston, Massachusetts, on 26 January
1865, reprinted in 4 The Frederick Douglass Papers
59, 68 (J. Blassingame & J. McKivigan eds. 1991)
(emphasis in original).
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
Like Douglass, I believe blacks can achieve in every ave- nue
of American life without the meddling of university
administrators. Because I wish to see all students suc- ceed
whatever their color, I share, in some respect, the
sympathies of those who sponsor the type of discrimina- tion
advanced by the University of Michigan Law School
(Law School). The Constitution does not, however, tolerate
institutional devotion to the status quo in admissions
policies when such devotion ripens into racial discrimination.
Nor does the Constitution countenance the unprece- dented
deference the Court gives to the Law School, an
approach inconsistent with the very concept of strict
No one would argue that a university could set up a
lower general admission standard and then impose
heightened requirements only on black applicants. Simi- larly,
a university may not maintain a high admission
standard and grant exemptions to favored races. The Law
School, of its own choosing, and for its own purposes,
maintains an exclusionary admissions system that it
knows produces racially disproportionate results. Racial
discrimination is not a permissible solution to the self- inflicted
wounds of this elitist admissions policy.
The majority upholds the Law Schools racial discrimi- nation
not by interpreting the peoples Constitution, but
by responding to a faddish slogan of the cognoscenti.
Nevertheless, I concur in part in the Courts opinion.
First, I agree with the Court insofar as its decision, which
approves of only one racial classification, confirms that
further use of race in admissions remains unlawful. Sec- ond,
I agree with the Courts holding that racial discrimi- nation
in higher education admissions will be illegal in 25
years. See ante, at 31 (stating that racial discrimination
will no longer be narrowly tailored, or necessary to fur- ther
a compelling state interest, in 25 years). I respect- fully
dissent from the remainder of the Courts opinion
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
and the judgment, however, because I believe that the
Law Schools current use of race violates the Equal Protec- tion
Clause and that the Constitution means the same
thing today as it will in 300 months.
The majority agrees that the Law Schools racial dis- crimination
at 14. Before applying that standard to this case, I
will briefly revisit the Courts treatment of racial
The strict scrutiny standard that the Court purports to
apply in this case was first enunciated in Korematsu v.
United States, 323 U. S. 214 (1944). There the Court held
that [p]ressing public necessity may sometimes justify the
existence of [racial discrimination]; racial antagonism
never can. Id., at 216. This standard of pressing public
necessity has more frequently been termed compelling
governmental interest,1 see, e.g., Regents of Univ. of Cal.
v. Bakke, 438 U. S. 265, 299 (1978) (opinion of Powell, J.).
A majority of the Court has validated only two circum- stances
where pressing public necessity or a compelling
state interest can possibly justify racial discrimination by
state actors. First, the lesson of Korematsu is that na- tional
security constitutes a pressing public necessity,
though the governments use of race to advance that objec- tive
must be narrowly tailored. Second, the Court has
recognized as a compelling state interest a governments
effort to remedy past discrimination for which it is respon- sible.
Richmond v. J. A. Croson Co., 488 U. S. 469, 504
The contours of pressing public necessity can be fur- ther
discerned from those interests the Court has rejected
Throughout I will use the two phrases interchangeably.
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
as bases for racial discrimination. For example, Wygant v.
Jackson Bd. of Ed., 476 U. S. 267 (1986), found unconstitutional
a collective-bargaining agreement between a school
board and a teachers union that favored certain minority
races. The school board defended the policy on the
grounds that minority teachers provided role models for
minority students and that a racially diverse faculty
would improve the education of all students. See Brief for
Respondents, O. T. 1984, No. 841340, pp. 2728; 476
U. S., at 315 (STEVENS, J., dissenting) ([A]n integrated
faculty will be able to provide benefits to the student body
that could not be provided by an all-white, or nearly all- white
faculty). Nevertheless, the Court found that the
use of race violated the Equal Protection Clause, deeming
both asserted state interests insufficiently compelling.
Id., at 275276 (plurality opinion); id., at 295 (White, J.,
concurring in judgment) (None of the interests asserted
by the [school board]
justify this racially discrimina- tory
layoff policy).2
An even greater governmental interest involves the
sensitive role of courts in child custody determinations. In
Palmore v. Sidoti, 466 U. S. 429 (1984), the Court held
that even the best interests of a child did not constitute a
compelling state interest that would allow a state court to
award custody to the father because the mother was in a
mixed-race marriage. Id., at 433 (finding the interest
substantial but holding the custody decision could not be
based on the race of the mothers new husband).
Finally, the Court has rejected an interest in remedying
The Courts refusal to address Wygants rejection of a state interest
virtually indistinguishable from that presented by the Law School is
perplexing. If the Court defers to the Law Schools judgment that a
racially mixed student body confers educational benefits to all, then
why would the Wygant Court not defer to the school boards judgment
with respect to the benefits a racially mixed faculty confers?
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
general societal discrimination as a justification for race
discrimination. See Wygant, supra, at 276 (plurality
opinion); Croson, 488 U. S., at 496498 (plurality opinion);
id., at 520521 (SCALIA, J., concurring in judgment).
Societal discrimination, without more, is too amorphous a
basis for imposing a racially classified remedy because a
court could uphold remedies that are ageless in their
reach into the past, and timeless in their ability to affect
the future. Wygant, supra, at 276 (plurality opinion).
But see Gratz v. Bollinger, ante, p. ___ (GINSBURG, J.,
Where the Court has accepted only national security, and
rejected even the best interests of a child, as a justification
for racial discrimination, I conclude that only those meas- ures
the State must take to provide a bulwark against
anarchy, or to prevent violence, will constitute a pressing
public necessity. Cf. Lee v. Washington, 390 U. S. 333, 334
(1968) (per curiam) (Black, J., concurring) (indicating that
protecting prisoners from violence might justify narrowly
tailored racial discrimination); Croson, supra, at 521
(SCALIA, J., concurring in judgment) (At least where state
or local action is at issue, only a social emergency rising to
the level of imminent danger to life and limb
can justify
[racial discrimination]).
The Constitution abhors classifications based on race,
not only because those classifications can harm favored
races or are based on illegitimate motives, but also be- cause
every time the government places citizens on racial
registers and makes race relevant to the provision of
burdens or benefits, it demeans us all. Purchased at the
price of immeasurable human suffering, the equal protec- tion
principle reflects our Nations understanding that
such classifications ultimately have a destructive impact
on the individual and our society. Adarand Construction,
Inc. v. Peña,, 515 U. S. 200, 240 (1995) (THOMAS, J., concur- ring
in part and concurring in judgment).
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
Unlike the majority, I seek to define with precision the
interest being asserted by the Law School before deter- mining
whether that interest is so compelling as to justify
racial discrimination. The Law School maintains that it
wishes to obtain educational benefits that flow from
student body diversity, Brief for Respondents Bollinger
et al. 14. This statement must be evaluated carefully,
because it implies that both diversity and educational
benefits are components of the Law Schools compelling
state interest. Additionally, the Law Schools refusal to
entertain certain changes in its admissions process and
status indicates that the compelling state interest it seeks
to validate is actually broader than might appear at first
Undoubtedly there are other ways to better the educa- tion
of law students aside from ensuring that the student
body contains a critical mass of underrepresented minority
students. Attaining diversity, whatever it
means,3 is the mechanism by which the Law School ob-
[D]iversity, for all of its devotees, is more a fashionable catch- phrase
than it is a useful term, especially when something as serious as
racial discrimination is at issue. Because the Equal Protection Clause
renders the color of ones skin constitutionally irrelevant to the Law
Schools mission, I refer to the Law Schools interest as an aesthetic.
That is, the Law School wants to have a certain appearance, from the
shape of the desks and tables in its classrooms to the color of the
students sitting at them.
I also use the term aesthetic because I believe it underlines the
ineffectiveness of racially discriminatory admissions in actually helping
those who are truly underprivileged. Cf. Orr v. Orr, 440 U. S. 268, 283
(1979) (noting that suspect classifications are especially impermissible
when the choice made by the State appears to redound
to the benefit
of those without need for special solicitude). It must be remembered
that the Law Schools racial discrimination does nothing for those too
poor or uneducated to participate in elite higher education and therefore
presents only an illusory solution to the challenges facing our
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
tains educational benefits, not an end of itself. The Law
School, however, apparently believes that only a racially
mixed student body can lead to the educational benefits it
seeks. How, then, is the Law Schools interest in these
allegedly unique educational benefits not simply the
forbidden interest in racial balancing, ante, at 17, that
the majority expressly rejects?
A distinction between these two ideas (unique educa- tional
benefits based on racial aesthetics and race for its
own sake) is purely sophisticso much so that the major- ity
uses them interchangeably. Compare ante, at 16
([T]he Law School has a compelling interest in attaining a
diverse student body), with ante, at 21 (referring to the
compelling interest in securing the educational benefits of
a diverse student body (emphasis added)). The Law
Schools argument, as facile as it is, can only be under- stood
in one way: Classroom aesthetics yields educational
benefits, racially discriminatory admissions policies are
required to achieve the right racial mix, and therefore the
policies are required to achieve the educational benefits.
It is the educational benefits that are the end, or allegedly
compelling state interest, not diversity. But see ante,
at 20 (citing the need for openness and integrity of
the educational institutions that provide [legal] train- ing
without reference to any consequential educational
One must also consider the Law Schools refusal to
entertain changes to its current admissions system that
might produce the same educational benefits. The Law
School adamantly disclaims any race-neutral alternative
that would reduce academic selectivity, which would in
turn require the Law School to become a very different
institution, and to sacrifice a core part of its educational
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
mission. Brief for Respondents Bollinger et al. 3336. In
other words, the Law School seeks to improve marginally
the education it offers without sacrificing too much of its
exclusivity and elite status.4
The proffered interest that the majority vindicates
today, then, is not simply diversity. Instead the Court
upholds the use of racial discrimination as a tool to ad- vance
the Law Schools interest in offering a marginally
superior education while maintaining an elite institution.
Unless each constituent part of this state interest is of
pressing public necessity, the Law Schools use of race is
unconstitutional. I find each of them to fall far short of
this standard.
A close reading of the Courts opinion reveals that all of
its legal work is done through one conclusory statement:
The Law School has a compelling interest in securing the
educational benefits of a diverse student body. Ante, at
21. No serious effort is made to explain how these benefits
fit with the state interests the Court has recognized (or
rejected) as compelling, see Part I, supra, or to place any
theoretical constraints on an enterprising courts desire to
discover still more justifications for racial discrimination.
In the absence of any explanation, one might expect the
Court to fall back on the judicial policy of stare decisis.
But the Court eschews even this weak defense of its hold-
The Law School believes both that the educational benefits of a ra- cially
engineered student body are large and that adjusting its overall
admissions standards to achieve the same racial mix would require it to
sacrifice its elite status. If the Law School is correct that the educa- tional
benefits of diversity are so great, then achieving them by
altering admissions standards should not compromise its elite status.
The Law Schools reluctance to do this suggests that the educational
benefits it alleges are not significant or do not exist at all.
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
ing, shunning an analysis of the extent to which Justice
Powells opinion in Regents of Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke, 438
U. S. 265 (1978), is binding, ante, at 13, in favor of an
unfounded wholesale adoption of it.
Justice Powells opinion in Bakke and the Courts deci- sion
today rest on the fundamentally flawed proposition
that racial discrimination can be contextualized so that a
goal, such as classroom aesthetics, can be compelling in
one context but not in another. This we know it when we
see it approach to evaluating state interests is not capa- ble
of judicial application. Today, the Court insists on
radically expanding the range of permissible uses of race
to something as trivial (by comparison) as the assembling
of a law school class. I can only presume that the major- itys
failure to justify its decision by reference to any prin- ciple
arises from the absence of any such principle. See
Part VI, infra.
Under the proper standard, there is no pressing public
necessity in maintaining a public law school at all and, it
follows, certainly not an elite law school. Likewise, mar- ginal
improvements in legal education do not qualify as a
compelling state interest.
While legal education at a public university may be good
policy or otherwise laudable, it is obviously not a pressing
public necessity when the correct legal standard is ap- plied.
Additionally, circumstantial evidence as to whether
a state activity is of pressing public necessity can be ob- tained
by asking whether all States feel compelled to
engage in that activity. Evidence that States, in general,
engage in a certain activity by no means demonstrates
that the activity constitutes a pressing public necessity,
given the expansive role of government in todays society.
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
The fact that some fraction of the States reject a particular
enterprise, however, creates a presumption that the enterprise
itself is not a compelling state interest. In this
sense, the absence of a public, American Bar Association
(ABA) accredited, law school in Alaska, Delaware, Massa- chusetts,
New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, see ABA
LSAC Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools (W.
Margolis, B. Gordon, J. Puskarz, & D. Rosenlieb, eds.
2004) (hereinafter ABALSAC Guide), provides further
evidence that Michigans maintenance of the Law School
does not constitute a compelling state interest.
As the foregoing makes clear, Michigan has no compel- ling
interest in having a law school at all, much less an
elite one. Still, even assuming that a State may, under
appropriate circumstances, demonstrate a cognizable
interest in having an elite law school, Michigan has failed
to do so here.
This Court has limited the scope of equal protection
review to interests and activities that occur within that
States jurisdiction. The Court held in Missouri ex rel.
Gaines v. Canada, 305 U. S. 337 (1938), that Missouri
could not satisfy the demands of separate but equal by
paying for legal training of blacks at neighboring state law
schools, while maintaining a segregated law school within
the State. The equal protection
obligation is imposed by the Constitution upon the
States severally as governmental entitieseach respon- sible
for its own laws establishing the rights and du- ties
of persons within its borders. It is an obligation
the burden of which cannot be cast by one State upon
another, and no State can be excused from perform- ance
by what another State may do or fail to do. That
separate responsibility of each State within its own
sphere is of the essence of statehood maintained un-
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
der our dual system. Id., at 350 (emphasis added).
The Equal Protection Clause, as interpreted by the Court
in Gaines, does not permit States to justify racial dis- crimination
on the basis of what the rest of the Nation
may do or fail to do. The only interests that can satisfy
the Equal Protection Clauses demands are those found
within a States jurisdiction.
The only cognizable state interests vindicated by operating
a public law school are, therefore, the education of
that States citizens and the training of that States lawyers.
James Campbells address at the opening of the Law
Department at the University of Michigan on October 3,
1859, makes this clear:
It not only concerns the State that every one should
have all reasonable facilities for preparing himself for
any honest position in life to which he may aspire, but
it also concerns the community that the Law should be
taught and understood
. There is not an office in
the State in which serious legal inquiries may not fre- quently
. In all these matters, public and private
rights are constantly involved and discussed, and
ignorance of the Law has frequently led to results de- plorable
and alarming
. [I]n the history of this
State, in more than one instance, that ignorance has
led to unlawful violence, and the shedding of innocent
blood. E. Brown, Legal Education at Michigan 1859
1959, pp. 404406 (1959) (emphasis added).
The Law School today, however, does precious little
training of those attorneys who will serve the citizens of
Michigan. In 2002, graduates of the University of Michi- gan
Law School made up less than 6% of applicants to the
Michigan bar, Michigan Lawyers Weekly, available at
barpassers0702.cfm (all Internet materials as visited June
13, 2003, and available in Clerk of Courts case file), even
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
though the Law Schools graduates constitute nearly
30% of all law students graduating in Michigan.
Ibid. Less than 16% of the Law Schools graduating class
elects to stay in Michigan after law school. ABA
LSAC Guide 427. Thus, while a mere 27% of the Law
Schools 2002 entering class are from Michigan, see
University of Michigan Law School Website, available at
index.htm, only half of these, it appears, will stay in Michigan.
In sum, the Law School trains few Michigan residents
and overwhelmingly serves students, who, as lawyers,
leave the State of Michigan. By contrast, Michigans other
public law school, Wayne State University Law School,
sends 88% of its graduates on to serve the people of Michi- gan.
ABALSAC Guide 775. It does not take a social
scientist to conclude that it is precisely the Law Schools
status as an elite institution that causes it to be a way- station
for the rest of the countrys lawyers, rather than a
training ground for those who will remain in Michigan.
The Law Schools decision to be an elite institution does
little to advance the welfare of the people of Michigan or
any cognizable interest of the State of Michigan.
Again, the fact that few States choose to maintain elite
law schools raises a strong inference that there is nothing
compelling about elite status. Arguably, only the public
law schools of the University of Texas, the University of
California, Berkeley (Boalt Hall), and the University of
Virginia maintain the same reputation for excellence as
the Law School.5 Two of these States, Texas and Califor- nia,
are so large that they could reasonably be expected to
provide elite legal training at a separate law school to
students who will, in fact, stay in the State and provide
Cf. U. S. News & World Report, Americas Best Graduate Schools 28
(2004 ed.) (placing these schools in the uppermost 15 in the Nation).
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
legal services to its citizens. And these two schools far
outshine the Law School in producing in-state lawyers.
The University of Texas, for example, sends over three- fourths
of its graduates on to work in the State of Texas,
vindicating the States interest (compelling or not) in
training Texas lawyers. Id., at 691.
Finally, even if the Law Schools racial tinkering pro- duces
tangible educational benefits, a marginal improvement
in legal education cannot justify racial discrimination
where the Law School has no compelling interest in
either its existence or in its current educational and ad- missions
The interest in remaining elite and exclusive that the
majority thinks so obviously critical requires the use of
admissions standards that, in turn, create the Law
Schools need to discriminate on the basis of race. The
Court validates these admissions standards by concluding
that alternatives that would require a dramatic sacrifice
the academic quality of all admitted students, ante,
at 27, need not be considered before racial discrimination
can be employed.6 In the majoritys view, such methods are
not required by the narrow tailoring prong of strict scrutiny
because that inquiry demands, in this context, that any
race-neutral alternative work about as well. Ante, at 26
27 (quoting Wygant, 476 U. S., at 280, n. 6). The majority
errs, however, because race-neutral alternatives must only
be workable, ante, at 27, and do about as well in vindi-
The Court refers to this component of the Law Schools compelling
state interest variously as academic quality, avoiding sacrifice [of] a
vital component of its educational mission, and academic selectivity.
Ante, at 2728.
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
cating the compelling state interest. The Court never explic- itly
holds that the Law Schools desire to retain the status
quo in academic selectivity is itself a compelling state
interest, and, as I have demonstrated, it is not. See Part
IIIB, supra. Therefore, the Law School should be forced to
choose between its classroom aesthetic and its exclusionary
admissions systemit cannot have it both ways.
With the adoption of different admissions methods, such
as accepting all students who meet minimum qualifica- tions,
see Brief for United States as Amicus Curiae 1314,
the Law School could achieve its vision of the racially
aesthetic student body without the use of racial discrimi- nation.
The Law School concedes this, but the Court
holds, implicitly and under the guise of narrow tailoring,
that the Law School has a compelling state interest in
doing what it wants to do. I cannot agree. First, under
strict scrutiny, the Law Schools assessment of the benefits
of racial discrimination and devotion to the admissions
status quo are not entitled to any sort of deference,
grounded in the First Amendment or anywhere else.
Second, even if its academic selectivity must be main- tained
at all costs along with racial discrimination, the
Court ignores the fact that other top law schools have
succeeded in meeting their aesthetic demands without
racial discrimination.
The Court bases its unprecedented deference to the Law
Schoola deference antithetical to strict scrutinyon an
idea of educational autonomy grounded in the First
Amendment. Ante, at 17. In my view, there is no basis for
a right of public universities to do what would otherwise
violate the Equal Protection Clause.
The constitutionalization of academic freedom began
with the concurring opinion of Justice Frankfurter in
Sweezy v. New Hampshire, 354 U. S. 234 (1957). Sweezy,
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
a Marxist economist, was investigated by the Attorney
General of New Hampshire on suspicion of being a subver- sive.
The prosecution sought, inter alia, the contents of a
lecture Sweezy had given at the University of New Hamp- shire.
The Court held that the investigation violated due
process. Id., at 254.
Justice Frankfurter went further, however, reasoning
that the First Amendment created a right of academic
freedom that prohibited the investigation. Id., at 256267
(opinion concurring in result). Much of the rhetoric in
Justice Frankfurters opinion was devoted to the personal
right of Sweezy to free speech. See, e.g., id., at 265 (For a
citizen to be made to forgo even a part of so basic a liberty
as his political autonomy, the subordinating interest of the
State must be compelling). Still, claiming that the
United States Reports need not be burdened with proof,
Justice Frankfurter also asserted that a free society
depends on free universities and [t]his means the exclu- sion
of governmental intervention in the intellectual life of
a university. Id., at 262. According to Justice Frank- furter:
[I]t is the business of a university to provide that
atmosphere which is most conducive to speculation, ex- periment
and creation. It is an atmosphere in which there
prevail the four essential freedoms of a universityto
determine for itself on academic grounds who may teach,
what may be taught, how it shall be taught, and who may
be admitted to study. Id., at 263 (citation omitted).
In my view, [i]t is the business of this Court to explain
itself when it cites provisions of the Constitution to invent
new doctrinesincluding the idea that the First Amend- ment
authorizes a public university to do what would
otherwise violate the Equal Protection Clause. The ma- jority
fails in its summary effort to prove this point. The
only source for the Courts conclusion that public universi- ties
are entitled to deference even within the confines of
strict scrutiny is Justice Powells opinion in Bakke. Jus-
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
tice Powell, for his part, relied only on Justice Frank- furters
opinion in Sweezy and the Courts decision in
Keyishian v. Board of Regents of Univ. of State of N. Y.,
385 U. S. 589 (1967), to support his view that the First
Amendment somehow protected a public universitys use
of race in admissions. Bakke, 438 U. S., at 312. Keyishian
provides no answer to the question whether the Four- teenth
Amendments restrictions are relaxed when applied
to public universities. In that case, the Court held that
state statutes and regulations designed to prevent the
appointment or retention of subversive persons in state
employment, 385 U. S., at 592, violated the First
Amendment for vagueness. The statutes covered all pub- lic
employees and were not invalidated only as applied to
university faculty members, although the Court appeared
sympathetic to the notion of academic freedom, calling it a
special concern of the First Amendment. Id., at 603.
Again, however, the Court did not relax any independent
constitutional restrictions on public universities.
I doubt that when Justice Frankfurter spoke of govern- mental
intrusions into the independence of universities,
he was thinking of the Constitutions ban on racial dis- crimination.
The majoritys broad deference to both the
Law Schools judgment that racial aesthetics leads to
educational benefits and its stubborn refusal to alter the
status quo in admissions methods finds no basis in the
Constitution or decisions of this Court.
The Courts deference to the Law Schools conclusion
that its racial experimentation leads to educational bene- fits
will, if adhered to, have serious collateral conse- quences.
The Court relies heavily on social science evi- dence
to justify its deference. See ante, at 1820; but see
also Rothman, Lipset, & Nevitte, Racial Diversity Recon-
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
sidered, 151 Public Interest 25 (2003) (finding that the
racial mix of a student body produced by racial discrimina- tion
of the type practiced by the Law School in fact hinders
students perception of academic quality). The Court
never acknowledges, however, the growing evidence that
racial (and other sorts) of heterogeneity actually impairs
learning among black students. See, e.g., Flowers & Pas- carella,
Cognitive Effects of College Racial Composition on
African American Students After 3 Years of College, 40 J.
of College Student Development 669, 674 (1999) (conclud- ing
that black students experience superior cognitive
development at Historically Black Colleges (HBCs) and
that, even among blacks, a substantial diversity moder- ates
the cognitive effects of attending an HBC); Allen,
The Color of Success: African-American College Student
Outcomes at Predominantly White and Historically Black
Public Colleges and Universities, 62 Harv. Educ. Rev. 26,
35 (1992) (finding that black students attending HBCs
report higher academic achievement than those attending
predominantly white colleges).
At oral argument in Gratz v. Bollinger, ante, p. ___,
counsel for respondents stated that most every single one
of [the HBCs] do have diverse student bodies. Tr. of Oral
Arg. in No. 02516, p. 52. What precisely counsel meant
by diverse is indeterminate, but it is reported that in
2000 at Morehouse College, one of the most distinguished
HBCs in the Nation, only 0.1% of the student body was
white, and only 0.2% was Hispanic. College Admissions
Data Handbook 20022003, p. 613 (43d ed. 2002) (herein- after
College Admissions Data Handbook). And at Missis- sippi
Valley State University, a public HBC, only 1.1% of
the freshman class in 2001 was white. Id., at 603. If there
is a critical mass of whites at these institutions, then
critical mass is indeed a very small proportion.
The majority grants deference to the Law Schools ass- essment
that diversity will, in fact, yield educational
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
benefits, ante, at 16. It follows, therefore, that an HBCs
assessment that racial homogeneity will yield educational
benefits would similarly be given deference.7 An HBCs
rejection of white applicants in order to maintain racial
homogeneity seems permissible, therefore, under the
majoritys view of the Equal Protection Clause. But see
United States v. Fordice, 505 U. S. 717, 748 (1992) (THOMAS,
J., concurring) (Obviously, a State cannot maintain
traditions by closing particular institutions, historically
white or historically black, to particular racial groups).
Contained within todays majority opinion is the seed of a
new constitutional justification for a concept I thought long
and rightly rejectedracial segregation.
Moreover one would think, in light of the Courts deci- sion
in United States v. Virginia, 518 U. S. 515 (1996),
that before being given license to use racial discrimina- tion,
the Law School would be required to radically re- shape
its admissions process, even to the point of sacrific- ing
some elements of its character. In Virginia, a majority
of the Court, without a word about academic freedom,
accepted the all-male Virginia Military Institutes (VMI)
representation that some changes in its adversative
method of education would be required with the admission
of women, id., at 540, but did not defer to VMIs judgment
that these changes would be too great. Instead, the Court
concluded that they were manageable. Id., at 551, n. 19.
That case involved sex discrimination, which is subjected
to intermediate, not strict, scrutiny. Id., at 533; Craig v.
Boren, 429 U. S 190, 197 (1976). So in Virginia, where the
For example, North Carolina A&T State University, which is cur- rently
5.4% white, College Admissions Data Handbook 643, could seek
to reduce the representation of whites in order to gain additional
educational benefits.
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
standard of review dictated that greater flexibility be
granted to VMIs educational policies than the Law School
deserves here, this Court gave no deference. Apparently
where the status quo being defended is that of the elite
establishmenthere the Law Schoolrather than a less
fashionable Southern military institution, the Court will
defer without serious inquiry and without regard to the
applicable legal standard.
Virginia is also notable for the fact that the Court relied
on the experience of formerly single-sex institutions,
such as the service academies, to conclude that admission
of women to VMI would be manageable. 518 U. S., at
544545. Today, however, the majority ignores the expe- rience
of those institutions that have been forced to aban- don
explicit racial discrimination in admissions.
The sky has not fallen at Boalt Hall at the University of
California, Berkeley, for example. Prior to Proposition
209s adoption of Cal. Const., Art. 1, §31(a), which bars the
State from grant[ing] preferential treatment
on the
basis of race
in the operation of
public education,8
Boalt Hall enrolled 20 blacks and 28 Hispanics in its first- year
class for 1996. In 2002, without deploying express
racial discrimination in admissions, Boalts entering class
enrolled 14 blacks and 36 Hispanics.9 University of
California Law and Medical School Enrollments, avail-
Cal. Const., Art. 1, §31(a), states in full:
The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential
treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color,
ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment,
public education, or public contracting. See Coalition for Economic
Equity v. Wilson, 122 F. 3d 692 (CA9 1997).
Given the incredible deference the Law School receives from the
Court, I think it appropriate to indulge in the presumption that Boalt
Hall operates without violating California law.
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
able at http://www.ucop.edu/acadadv/datamgmt/lawmed/law- enrolls-
eth2.html. Total underrepresented minority stu- dent
enrollment at Boalt Hall now exceeds 1996 levels.
Apparently the Law School cannot be counted on to be as
resourceful. The Court is willfully blind to the very real
experience in California and elsewhere, which raises the
inference that institutions with reputation[s] for excel- lence,
ante, at 16, 26, rivaling the Law Schools have
satisfied their sense of mission without resorting to pro- hibited
racial discrimination.
Putting aside the absence of any legal support for the
majoritys reflexive deference, there is much to be said for
the view that the use of tests and other measures to pre- dict
academic performance is a poor substitute for a
system that gives every applicant a chance to prove he can
succeed in the study of law. The rallying cry that in the
absence of racial discrimination in admissions there would
be a true meritocracy ignores the fact that the entire
process is poisoned by numerous exceptions to merit.
For example, in the national debate on racial discrimina- tion
in higher education admissions, much has been made
of the fact that elite institutions utilize a so-called legacy
preference to give the children of alumni an advantage in
admissions. This, and other, exceptions to a true meri- tocracy
give the lie to protestations that merit admissions
are in fact the order of the day at the Nations universities.
The Equal Protection Clause does not, however, prohibit
the use of unseemly legacy preferences or many other
kinds of arbitrary admissions procedures. What the Equal
Protection Clause does prohibit are classifications made on
the basis of race. So while legacy preferences can stand
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
under the Constitution, racial discrimination cannot.10 I
will not twist the Constitution to invalidate legacy prefer- ences
or otherwise impose my vision of higher education
admissions on the Nation. The majority should similarly
stay its impulse to validate faddish racial discrimination
the Constitution clearly forbids.
In any event, there is nothing ancient, honorable, or
constitutionally protected about selective admissions.
The University of Michigan should be well aware that
alternative methods have historically been used for the
admission of students, for it brought to this country the
German certificate system in the late-19th century. See
H. Wechsler, The Qualified Student 1639 (1977) (herein- after
Qualified Student). Under this system, a secondary
school was certified by a university so that any graduate
who completed the course offered by the school was offered
admission to the university. The certification regime
supplemented, and later virtually replaced (at least in the
Midwest), the prior regime of rigorous subject-matter
entrance examinations. Id., at 5758. The facially race- neutral
percent plans now used in Texas, California, and
Florida, see ante, at 28, are in many ways the descendents
of the certificate system.
Certification was replaced by selective admissions in the
beginning of the 20th century, as universities sought to
exercise more control over the composition of their student
bodies. Since its inception, selective admissions has been
the vehicle for racial, ethnic, and religious tinkering and
experimentation by university administrators. The initial
driving force for the relocation of the selective function
Were this Court to have the courage to forbid the use of racial dis- crimination
in admissions, legacy preferences (and similar practices)
might quickly become less populara possibility not lost, I am certain,
on the elites (both individual and institutional) supporting the Law
School in this case.
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
from the high school to the universities was the same
desire to select racial winners and losers that the Law
School exhibits today. Columbia, Harvard, and others
infamously determined that they had too many Jews,
just as today the Law School argues it would have too
many whites if it could not discriminate in its admissions
process. See Qualified Student 155168 (Columbia); H.
Broun & G. Britt, Christians Only: A Study in Prejudice
5354 (1931) (Harvard).
Columbia employed intelligence tests precisely because
Jewish applicants, who were predominantly immigrants,
scored worse on such tests. Thus, Columbia could claim
(falsely) that [w]e have not eliminated boys because they
were Jews and do not propose to do so. We have honestly
attempted to eliminate the lowest grade of applicant
[through the use of intelligence testing] and it turns out
that a good many of the low grade men are New York City
Jews. Letter from Herbert E. Hawkes, dean of Columbia
College, to E. B. Wilson, June 16, 1922 (reprinted in Quali- fied
Student 160161). In other words, the tests were
adopted with full knowledge of their disparate impact. Cf.
DeFunis v. Odegaard, 416 U. S. 312, 335 (1974) (per curiam)
(Douglas, J., dissenting).
Similarly no modern law school can claim ignorance of
the poor performance of blacks, relatively speaking, on the
Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). Nevertheless, law
schools continue to use the test and then attempt to cor- rect
for black underperformance by using racial discrimination
in admissions so as to obtain their aesthetic student
body. The Law Schools continued adherence to
measures it knows produce racially skewed results is not
entitled to deference by this Court. See Part IV, supra.
The Law School itself admits that the test is imperfect, as
it must, given that it regularly admits students who score
at or below 150 (the national median) on the test. See
App. 156203 (showing that, between 1995 and 2000, the
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
Law School admitted 37 students27 of whom were black;
31 of whom were underrepresented minoritieswith
LSAT scores of 150 or lower). And the Law Schools amici
cannot seem to agree on the fundamental question
whether the test itself is useful. Compare Brief for Law
School Admission Council as Amicus Curiae 12 (LSAT
are an effective predictor of students perform- ance
in law school) with Brief for Harvard Black Law
Students Association et al. as Amici Curiae 27 (Whether
[the LSAT] measure[s] objective merit
is certainly
Having decided to use the LSAT, the Law School must
accept the constitutional burdens that come with this
decision. The Law School may freely continue to employ
the LSAT and other allegedly merit-based standards in
whatever fashion it likes. What the Equal Protection
Clause forbids, but the Court today allows, is the use of
these standards hand-in-hand with racial discrimination.
An infinite variety of admissions methods are available to
the Law School. Considering all of the radical thinking
that has historically occurred at this countrys universi- ties,
the Law Schools intractable approach toward admis- sions
is striking.
The Court will not even deign to make the Law School
try other methods, however, preferring instead to grant a
25-year license to violate the Constitution. And the same
Court that had the courage to order the desegregation of
all public schools in the South now fears, on the basis of
platitudes rather than principle, to force the Law School to
abandon a decidedly imperfect admissions regime that
provides the basis for racial discrimination.
The absence of any articulated legal principle support- ing
the majoritys principal holding suggests another
rationale. I believe what lies beneath the Courts decision
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
today are the benighted notions that one can tell when
racial discrimination benefits (rather than hurts) minority
groups, see Adarand, 515 U. S., at 239 (SCALIA, J., concur- ring
in part and concurring in judgment), and that racial
discrimination is necessary to remedy general societal ills.
This Courts precedents supposedly settled both issues,
but clearly the majority still cannot commit to the princi- ple
that racial classifications are per se harmful and that
almost no amount of benefit in the eye of the beholder can
justify such classifications.
Putting aside what I take to be the Courts implicit
rejection of Adarands holding that beneficial and burden- some
racial classifications are equally invalid, I must
contest the notion that the Law Schools discrimination
benefits those admitted as a result of it. The Court spends
considerable time discussing the impressive display of
amicus support for the Law School in this case from all
corners of society. Ante, at 1819. But nowhere in any of
the filings in this Court is any evidence that the purported
beneficiaries of this racial discrimination prove them- selves
by performing at (or even near) the same level as
those students who receive no preferences. Cf. Thern- strom
& Thernstrom, Reflections on the Shape of the
River, 46 UCLA L. Rev. 1583, 16051608 (1999) (discus- sing
the failure of defenders of racial discrimination in
admissions to consider the fact that its beneficiaries are
underperforming in the classroom).
The silence in this case is deafening to those of us who
view higher educations purpose as imparting knowledge
and skills to students, rather than a communal, rubber- stamp,
credentialing process. The Law School is not
looking for those students who, despite a lower LSAT score
or undergraduate grade point average, will succeed in the
study of law. The Law School seeks only a facadeit is
sufficient that the class looks right, even if it does not
perform right.
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
The Law School tantalizes unprepared students with
the promise of a University of Michigan degree and all of
the opportunities that it offers. These overmatched students
take the bait, only to find that they cannot succeed
in the cauldron of competition. And this mismatch crisis
is not restricted to elite institutions. See T. Sowell, Race
and Culture 176177 (1994) (Even if most minority stu- dents
are able to meet the normal standards at the aver- age
range of colleges and universities, the systematic
mismatching of minority students begun at the top can
mean that such students are generally overmatched
throughout all levels of higher education). Indeed, to
cover the tracks of the aestheticists, this cruel farce of
racial discrimination must continuein selection for the
Michigan Law Review, see University of Michigan Law
School Student Handbook 20022003, pp. 3940 (noting
the presence of a diversity plan for admission to the
review), and in hiring at law firms and for judicial clerk- ships
until the beneficiaries are no longer tolerated.
While these students may graduate with law degrees,
there is no evidence that they have received a qualita- tively
better legal education (or become better lawyers)
than if they had gone to a less elite law school for which
they were better prepared. And the aestheticists will
never address the real problems facing underrepresented
minorities,11 instead continuing their social experiments
For example, there is no recognition by the Law School in this case
that even with their racial discrimination in place, black men are
underrepresented at the Law School. See ABALSAC Guide 426
(reporting that the Law School has 46 black women and 28 black men).
Why does the Law School not also discriminate in favor of black men
over black women, given this underrepresentation? The answer is,
again, that all the Law School cares about is its own image among
know-it-all elites, not solving real problems like the crisis of black male
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
on other peoples children.
Beyond the harm the Law Schools racial discrimination
visits upon its test subjects, no social science has dis- proved
the notion that this discrimination engender[s]
attitudes of superiority or, alternatively, provoke[s] re- sentment
among those who believe that they have been
wronged by the governments use of race. Adarand, 515
U. S., at 241 (THOMAS, J., concurring in part and concur- ring
in judgment). These programs stamp minorities
with a badge of inferiority and may cause them to develop
dependencies or to adopt an attitude that they are enti- tled
to preferences. Ibid.
It is uncontested that each year, the Law School admits
a handful of blacks who would be admitted in the absence
of racial discrimination. See Brief for Respondents Bollin- ger
et al. 6. Who can differentiate between those who
belong and those who do not? The majority of blacks are
admitted to the Law School because of discrimination, and
because of this policy all are tarred as undeserving. This
problem of stigma does not depend on determinacy as to
whether those stigmatized are actually the beneficiaries
of racial discrimination. When blacks take positions in the
highest places of government, industry, or academia, it is
an open question today whether their skin color played a
part in their advancement. The question itself is the
stigmabecause either racial discrimination did play a
role, in which case the person may be deemed otherwise
unqualified, or it did not, in which case asking the ques- tion
itself unfairly marks those blacks who would succeed
without discrimination. Is this what the Court means by
visibly open? Ante, at 20.
Finally, the Courts disturbing reference to the impor- tance
of the countrys law schools as training grounds
meant to cultivate a set of leaders with legitimacy in the
eyes of the citizenry, ibid., through the use of racial dis- crimination
deserves discussion. As noted earlier, the
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
Court has soundly rejected the remedying of societal dis- crimination
as a justification for governmental use of race.
Wygant, 476 U. S., at 276 (plurality opinion); Croson, 488
U. S., at 497 (plurality opinion); id., at 520521 (SCALIA,
J., concurring in judgment). For those who believe that
every racial disproportionality in our society is caused
by some kind of racial discrimination, there can be no
distinction between remedying societal discrimination and
erasing racial disproportionalities in the countrys leader- ship
caste. And if the lack of proportional racial repre- sentation
among our leaders is not caused by societal
discrimination, then fixing it is even less of a pressing
public necessity.
The Courts civics lesson presents yet another example
of judicial selection of a theory of political representation
based on skin coloran endeavor I have previously re- jected.
See Holder v. Hall, 512 U. S. 874, 899 (1994)
(THOMAS, J., concurring in judgment). The majority ap- pears
to believe that broader utopian goals justify the Law
Schools use of race, but [t]he Equal Protection Clause
commands the elimination of racial barriers, not their
creation in order to satisfy our theory as to how society
ought to be organized. DeFunis, 416 U. S., at 342 (Doug- las,
J., dissenting).
As the foregoing makes clear, I believe the Courts
opinion to be, in most respects, erroneous. I do, however,
find two points on which I agree.
First, I note that the issue of unconstitutional racial
discrimination among the groups the Law School prefers is
not presented in this case, because petitioner has never
argued that the Law School engages in such a practice,
and the Law School maintains that it does not. See Brief
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
for Respondents Bollinger et al. 32, n. 50, and 67, n. 7. I
join the Courts opinion insofar as it confirms that this
type of racial discrimination remains unlawful. Ante, at
1315. Under todays decision, it is still the case that
racial discrimination that does not help a university to
enroll an unspecified number, or critical mass, of under- represented
minority students is unconstitutional. Thus,
the Law School may not discriminate in admissions be- tween
similarly situated blacks and Hispanics, or between
whites and Asians. This is so because preferring black to
Hispanic applicants, for instance, does nothing to further
the interest recognized by the majority today.12 Indeed,
the majority describes such racial balancing as patently
unconstitutional. Ante, at 17. Like the Court, ante, at 24,
I express no opinion as to whether the Law Schools cur- rent
admissions program runs afoul of this prohibition.
The Court also holds that racial discrimination in ad- missions
should be given another 25 years before it is
deemed no longer narrowly tailored to the Law Schools
fabricated compelling state interest. Ante, at 30. While I
agree that in 25 years the practices of the Law School will
That interest depends on enrolling a critical mass of underrepre- sented
minority students, as the majority repeatedly states. Ante, at 3,
5, 7, 17, 20, 21, 23, 28; cf. ante, at 21 (referring to the unique experience
of being a racial minority, as opposed to being black, or Native Ameri- can);
ante, at 24 (rejecting argument that the Law School maintains a
disguised quota by referring to the total number of enrolled underrepresented
minority students, not specific races). As it relates to the Law
Schools racial discrimination, the Court clearly approves of only one
use of racethe distinction between underrepresented minority appli- cants
and those of all other races. A relative preference awarded to a
black applicant over, for example, a similarly situated Native American
applicant, does not lead to the enrollment of even one more underrepre- sented
minority student, but only balances the races within the critical
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
be illegal, they are, for the reasons I have given, illegal
now. The majority does not and cannot rest its time limi- tation
on any evidence that the gap in credentials between
black and white students is shrinking or will be gone in
that timeframe.13 In recent years there has been virtually
no change, for example, in the proportion of law school
applicants with LSAT scores of 165 and higher who are
black.14 In 1993 blacks constituted 1.1% of law school
applicants in that score range, though they represented
11.1% of all applicants. Law School Admission Council,
National Statistical Report (1994) (hereinafter LSAC
Statistical Report). In 2000 the comparable numbers were
1.0% and 11.3%. LSAC Statistical Report (2001). No one
can seriously contend, and the Court does not, that the
racial gap in academic credentials will disappear in 25
years. Nor is the Courts holding that racial discrimina- tion
will be unconstitutional in 25 years made contingent
on the gap closing in that time.15
I agree with JUSTICE GINSBURG that the Courts holding that racial
discrimination in admissions will be illegal in 25 years is not based
upon a forecast, post, at 3 (concurring opinion). I do not agree with
JUSTICE GINSBURGs characterization of the Courts holding as an
expression of hope. Ibid.
I use a score of 165 as the benchmark here because the Law School
feels it is the relevant score range for applicant consideration (absent
race discrimination). See Brief for Respondents Bollinger et al. 5; App.
to Pet. for Cert. 309a (showing that the median LSAT score for all
accepted applicants from 19951998 was 168); id., at 310a311a
(showing the median LSAT score for accepted applicants was 167 for
the years 1999 and 2000); University of Michigan Law School Website,
available at http://www.law.umich.edu/prospectivestudents/Admissions/
index.htm (showing that the median LSAT score for accepted applicants
in 2002 was 166).
The majoritys non sequitur observation that since 1978 the num- ber
of blacks that have scored in these upper ranges on the LSAT has
grown, ante, at 30, says nothing about current trends. First, black
participation in the LSAT until the early 1990s lagged behind black
representation in the general population. For instance, in 1984 only
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
Indeed, the very existence of racial discrimination of the
type practiced by the Law School may impede the nar- rowing
of the LSAT testing gap. An applicants LSAT
score can improve dramatically with preparation, but such
preparation is a cost, and there must be sufficient benefits
attached to an improved score to justify additional study.
Whites scoring between 163 and 167 on the LSAT are
routinely rejected by the Law School, and thus whites
aspiring to admission at the Law School have every incen- tive
to improve their score to levels above that range. See
App. 199 (showing that in 2000, 209 out of 422 white
applicants were rejected in this scoring range). Blacks, on
the other hand, are nearly guaranteed admission if they
score above 155. Id., at 198 (showing that 63 out of 77
black applicants are accepted with LSAT scores above
155). As admission prospects approach certainty, there is
no incentive for the black applicant to continue to prepare
for the LSAT once he is reasonably assured of achieving
the requisite score. It is far from certain that the LSAT
test-takers behavior is responsive to the Law Schools
admissions policies.16 Nevertheless, the possibility re- mains
that this racial discrimination will help fulfill the
bigots prophecy about black underperformancejust as it
confirms the conspiracy theorists belief that institutional
7.3% of law school applicants were black, whereas in 2000 11.3% of law
school applicants were black. See LSAC Statistical Reports (1984 and
2000). Today, however, unless blacks were to begin applying to law
school in proportions greater than their representation in the general
population, the growth in absolute numbers of high scoring blacks
should be expected to plateau, and it has. In 1992, 63 black applicants
to law school had LSAT scores above 165. In 2000, that number was
65. See LSAC Statistical Reports (1992 and 2000).
I use the LSAT as an example, but the same incentive structure is
in place for any admissions criteria, including undergraduate grades,
on which minorities are consistently admitted at thresholds signifi- cantly
lower than whites.
Cite as: 539 U. S. ____ (2003)
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
racism is at fault for every racial disparity in our society.
I therefore can understand the imposition of a 25-year
time limit only as a holding that the deference the Court
pays to the Law Schools educational judgments and re- fusal
to change its admissions policies will itself expire.
At that point these policies will clearly have failed to
eliminat[e] the [perceived] need for any racial or ethnic
discrimination because the academic credentials gap will
still be there. Ante, at 30 (quoting Nathanson & Bartnika,
The Constitutionality of Preferential Treatment for Mi- nority
Applicants to Professional Schools, 58 Chicago Bar
Rec. 282, 293 (MayJune 1977)). The Court defines this
time limit in terms of narrow tailoring, see ante, at 30, but
I believe this arises from its refusal to define rigorously
the broad state interest vindicated today. Cf. Part II,
supra. With these observations, I join the last sentence of
Part III of the opinion of the Court.
* * *
For the immediate future, however, the majority has
placed its imprimatur on a practice that can only weaken
the principle of equality embodied in the Declaration of
Independence and the Equal Protection Clause. Our
Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor toler- ates
classes among citizens. Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U. S.
537, 559 (1896) (Harlan, J., dissenting). It has been nearly
140 years since Frederick Douglass asked the intellectual
ancestors of the Law School to [d]o nothing with us! and
the Nation adopted the Fourteenth Amendment. Now we
must wait another 25 years to see this principle of equality
vindicated. I therefore respectfully dissent from the re- mainder
of the Courts opinion and the judgment.