Transcripts of the Arguments
Before the U.S. Supreme Court

April 1, 2003

These excerpted transcripts of the oral arguments before the Supreme Court in Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger were recorded by the Alderson Reporting Co. as reported by the Detroit News, April 2, 2003

in Grutter v. Bollinger

Law school case: Petitioners argument, Part 1

Law school case: Petitioners argument, Part 2

Law school case: Argument in support of petitioners

Law school case: Respondents argument, Part 1

Law school case: Respondents argument, Part 2

Law school case: Respondents argument, Part 3

Law school case: Petitioners rebuttal argument

in Gratz v. Bollinger

Undergrad case: Petitioners argument, Part 1

Undergrad case: Petitioners argument, Part 2

Undergrad case: Argument supporting the petitioners

Undergrad case: Respondents argument, Part 1

Undergrad case: Respondents argument, Part 2

Undergrad case: Respondents argument, Part 3

Undergrad case: Petitioners rebuttal argument
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