Statement by Terry Lavin, President, Illinois State Bar Association,
Regarding Ruling by U.S. Supreme Court in Cases
Against the University Of Michigan

June 23, 2003

CHICAGO, June 23 /PRNewswire/ -- The Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) applauds the Supreme Court's decisions in the two separate cases against the University of Michigan. In each decision, the Supreme Court held that student body diversity is a compelling state interest in the context of university admissions. The Court also approved a rational system in place by the University of Michigan's Law School. The ISBA is a great believer in affirmative action in university admissions and is proud that our Supreme Court held that race can be a factor in admission to a university or law school. College and law students will be better prepared to face life's challenges if they are exposed to an education with people from diverse backgrounds. As Justice Powell said in the landmark Bakke case a number of years ago, nothing less than the "nation's future depends upon leaders trained through wide exposure to the ideas and mores of students as diverse as this nation of many peoples."

Illinois State Bar Association

CONTACT: Chris Ruys for Illinois State Bar Association
+1-312-337-7746, or Cellular, +1-312-259-3495