President Robinson Issues a "Call to Arms" to the Civil Rights Bar
National Bar Association Online LawFax NBA President Malcolm S. Robinson has challenged the Civil Rights Bar to awaken people of good will from their collective slumber. The Bush Administration has joined the forces of those that would end affirmative action as well as those that oppose diversity. Let us for the moment place a "semicolon" on issues relating to Congressman Trent Lott, the resurrection of the Adarand Case (minority contracting---since extinguished), and the re-nomination of Judge Pickering. The decision to oppose affirmative action efforts with respect to The University of Michigan gives the lie to the pleasant Administration rhetoric expressed during the commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday. The "game plan" of those that oppose affirmative action has been set...and the battlefield will be the University of Michigan. Said President Robinson, "President Bush wants us to ignore generations of prejudice and discrimination...He claims that he supports diversity; however, he does not believe that diversity on college campuses constitutes a compelling governmental interest warranting his support" Let us not forget that a most unique coalition was formed among the African-American community and the greater Michigan business community in support of the admissions policy. Companies such as General Motors realized that having better educated employees is, in the long run, good for its business product as well as its business in general. A diverse student body benefits ALL students. Furthermore, when a record of discrimination has been proven, the parties involved are not precluded from formulating programs designed to remedy that proven discrimination...just as the victim in a personal injury case must be made whole. THE NATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION WILL FILE AN AMICUS BRIEF. You must remember that this is a political issue as well as a legal issue. Make sure that you have spoken to each politician and have gone on every talk show. NBA NEWS RELEASE: NBA DENOUNCES BUSH'S FIGHT AGAINST EDUCATIONAL DIVERSITY
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