OCA Applauds supreme Court Decision to Uphold Affirmative Action Admissions Policy

July 10, 2003

Washington, DC - The Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA), a national Asian Pacific American (APA) civil rights advocacy and educational organization with over 80 chapters and affiliates nationwide, commends the decision by the United States Supreme Court that upheld today the University of Michigan law school’s affirmative action admissions policy in the case, Grutter v. Bollinger. While the Court did not fully uphold a companion decision, Gratz v. Bollinger, on the university’s admissions policy at the undergraduate level, OCA believes that overall the Court has reaffirmed the importance of diversity in education and employment, as well as in military recruitment. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor issued the opinion on Grutter v. Bollinger, which was decided according to a 5-4 vote. In Gratz v. Bollinger, the Court voted 6-3 to overturn the undergraduate admissions program’s point system.

OCA had joined an amicus brief submitted by the National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium with over 20 other Asian Pacific American organizations in support of the University of Michigan.

“The Supreme Court’s decision means that the government will be able to effectively address barriers to equal opportunity,” stated Raymond Wong, OCA National President. “OCA has long supported promoting diversity to give qualified minorities and women the chance to level the playing field.”

“The Court shows that race should and is indeed a factor in admissions policies,” stated Christine Chen, OCA Executive Director. “OCA plans to continue our work with students in promoting minority retention and enrollment on campuses around the country. Institutions of higher education should retain their minority programs and reevaluate their affirmative action policies to make them as effective as possible. This decision also bodes well for employment and contracting, where diversity remains necessary.”

Eleanor Lee
Dir. of Communications
[email protected]

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