Defining Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

At the University of Michigan, our dedication to academic excellence for the public good is inseparable from our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

We know that talent is distributed across all communities, but opportunity is not. Cultivating a diverse campus community – including removing barriers to higher education access – enables the types of culturally and intellectually rich learning and working environments necessary for a world-class education, catalyzing new knowledge production and innovations, and developing solutions that positively impact society. In order to best nurture and benefit from a diverse campus community, we must create and sustain the conditions of equity and inclusion that allow all campus members to participate and thrive.

At U-M, consistent with our value for diverse views, perspectives and expressions, we honor, respect, and support the different ways that our different campus community members, offices, units, and programs have amplified, named and called out these important areas and concepts. In all cases, all of these concepts should be linked, connected to, and integral to how we think about and work on advancing a more diverse, inclusive, equitable, and just world.

The U-M DEI strategic plan framework and definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion are inclusive of and/or complementary to a number of important concepts, values, and goals:
