Supporting Research
Reports Prepared for the Lawsuits REPORTS PREPARED FOR THE LAWSUITS
The Compelling Need for Diversity in Higher Education Foreword RESPONSES TO THE CRITIQUES OF U-M RESEARCH Response to the National Association of Scholars critique: Response to Diversity Distorted, by Patricia Gurin, Gerald Gurin and John Matlock, June 1, 2003 (June 9, 2003) Response to Chetly Zarko analysis:
"Study on effects of diversity reaches wrong conclusions," March 20, 2003: Rebuttal from Steve Raudenbush to a study published by Rothman, Lipset and Nevitte. OTHER UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FACULTY RESEARCH "The Real Impact of Eliminating Affirmative Action in American Law Schools: An Empirical Critique of Richard Sander's Study," by David L. Chambers (University of Michigan Law School), Timothy T. Clydesdale (College of New Jersey), William C. Kidder (Equal Justice Society), and Richard O. Lempert (University of Michigan), Stanford Law Review. May 2005 NEW "Affirmative Action in American Law Schools: A Critical Response to Richard Sander's 'A Reply to Critics'," by David L. Chambers (University of Michigan Law School), Timothy T. Clydesdale (College of New Jersey), William C. Kidder (Equal Justice Society), and Richard O. Lempert (University of Michigan). February 2006 NEW
Michigan Study, by John Matlock, Gerald Gurin, and Katrina Wade-Golden, University of Michigan. 1990-ongoing The Benefits of Diversity in Education for Democratic Citizenship. Gurin, P., Nagda, R., Lopez, G. Journal of Social Issues. January 2003
Diverse Democracy Project, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 1999-2003 Diversity and Higher Education: Theory and Impact on Educational Outcomes. Gurin, P., Dey, E.L., Hurtado, S., and Gurin, G. Harvard Educational Review, 72, 3, 332-366. Fall 2002
The Michigan Student Study: Students' Expectations of and Experiences
with Racial/Ethnic Diversity: 1990-1994 (5.1M .pdf)* by John
Matlock, Gerald Gurin, and Katrina Wade-Golden. Executive Summary 2002 Doctorate Dissertations from the Michigan Student Study database. Eight Ph.D. dissertations have been done by University of Michigan doctorate students from various academic disciplines. These dissertations have contributed significantly to the body of literature on diversity in the national forum. Additionally, several of these awards won national awards from various higher education association. 1992-2002 Expert report on the likely racial composition in various social contexts on campus under alternative admissions policies, by Stephen W. Raudenbush, (268K .pdf)* July 2000 "Michigan's Minority Graduates in Practice: The River Runs Through Law School" (13.4M .pdf)* by Richard O. Lempert, David L. Chambers, and Terry K. Adams. Journal of the American Bar Foundation, Volume 25, Number 2, Spring 2000, University of Chicago Press. © 2000 American Bar Foundation. (This file is large and may take a few minutes to load.) NEW Expert report on the probability of admissions of underrpresented minority applicants if race was not used as a factor in admissions decisions, by Stephen W. Raudenbush, (2.2M .pdf)* February 2000 "Doing Well and Doing Good: The Careers of Minority and White Graduates of the University of Michigan Law School, 1970-1996," by Chambers, D., Lempert, R., Adams, T., July 1999 Enacting Diverse Learning Environments: Improving the Climate for Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education, by Sylvia Hurtado, Jeffrey Milem, Alma Clayton-Pedersen & Walter Allen. 1999
Student Expectations and Experiences: The Michigan Study by John Matlock, University of Michigan. Diversity Digest. Summer 1997
How Diversity Affects Teaching and Learning, by Sylvia Hurtado, University of Michigan. Fall 1996 Abstract of The Institutional Climate for Talented Latino Students, Sylvia Hurtado, University of Michigan. May 1993 OTHER RESEARCH LINKS Scientific Study of Campus Diversity, by James H. Kuklinski, Public Opinion Quarterly, Spring 2006. (128K .pdf *) new The Opportunity Cost of Admission Preferences at Elite Universities, by Thomas J. Espenshade and Chang Chung, in Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 86, No. 2 (Blackwell Publishing), June 2005 How Desegregation Changed Us: The Effects of Racially Mixed Schools on Students and Society. A Study of Desegregated High Schools and Their Class of 1980 Graduates, Teachers College, Columbia University, University of California at Los Angeles, by Amy Stuart Wells, Jennifer Jellison Holme, Anita Tijerina Revilla, and Awo Korantemaa Atanda. (272K .pdf)* This report is drawn from their forthcoming book, In Search of Brown, to be published by Harvard University Press in 2005. Standing Our Ground: A Guidebook for STEM Educators in the Post-Michigan Era, October 2004 Blend It, Don't End It: Affirmative Action and the Texas Ten Percent Plan After Grutter and Gratz, MALDEF (amicus curiae filer), Equal Justice Society, Society of American Law Teachers (amicus curiae filer), Americans for a Fair Chance/LCCREF, June 24, 2004 Effects of Racial Diversity on Complex Thinking in College Students, by Anthony Lising Antonio, Mitchell J. Chang, Kenji Hakuta, David A. Kenny, Shana Levin, and Jeffrey F. Milem, in Psychology Science, Vol 15, No 8 (Blackwell Publishing), 2004 Affirmative Action Research Available from The Civil Rights Project, Harvard University. More research on affirmative action (in higher education), Harvard University.
Laws applying to Affirmative Action in Educational Institutions
Diversity Web: an interactive resource hub for higher education Research, Evaluation, and ImpactResearch and Trends on the Diversity Web, An Interactive Resource Hub for Higher Education, Association of American Colleges and Universities The Reality of Race Neutral Admissions for Minority Students at the University of California: Turning the Tide or Turning Them Away? (6.7M .pdf), Matt A. Barreto and Harry P. Pachon, Ph.D. April 2003 Appearance and Reality in the Sunshine State: The Talented 20 Program in Florida (February 2003), reviews the admission percent plan to the state university system in Florida. The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University. March 2003 Percent Plans in College Admissions: A Comparative Analysis of Three States' Experiences (February 2003), compares the experiences of California, Texas, and Florida, three states with percent plans. The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University. February 2003
The Effects of Racial Diversity on Cognitive Complexity in College Students,
by Anthony Lising Antonio and Kenji Hakuta. 2003
Making the case for Affirmative Action in Higher Education, Legal Developments Related to Affirmative Action in Higher Education: An Update for College and University Presidents, Trustees, and Administrators, American Council on Education. 2003
What Leaders are Saying about Affirmative Action and Diversity. 2003 Overview of Constitutional Requirements in Race-Conscious Affirmative Action Policies in Education. September 2002/July 2003
The Causation Fallacy:
Bakke and the Basic Arithmetic of Selective Admissions
Beyond Percentage Plans: The Challenge of Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (2.4M .pdf)*,
"Who Should We Help? The Negative Social Consequences of Merit Scholarships", published in 2002 by The Civil Rights Project. This report studies four of the country's publicly funded merit scholarship programs, including three of the nation's four largest programs to assess the impact of these programs on their states. It focuses primarily on the question of whether these programs promote college access and attainment in each state, and how well the programs serve the needs of students from different income and racial and ethnic groups. The Harvard Civil Rights Project
Diversity and Legal Education: Student Experiences in Leading Law Schools
By Gary Orfield and Dean Whitla (Harvard Education Publishing Group, © 2001)
Educational Achievement and Black-White Inequality. July 2001 Diversity and the Influence of Friendship Groups in College, by Anthony Lising Antonio. 2001
Susan Sturm and Lani Guinier, "The Future of Affirmative Action"
AAC&U National Survey on Diversity Requirements. 2000 Does Diversity Make a Difference? Three Research Studies on Diversity in College Classrooms, American Council on Education, Washington, D.C. 2000
Diversity and Legal Education: Student Experiences in Leading Law Schools,
Gary Orfield and Dean Whitla. August 1999
The Dynamics of Race in Higher Education: An Examination of the Evidence. May 1999
A Sweeping New Defense of Affirmative Action by Ben Gose. September 1998 Student Interaction Across Race and Outcomes in College (126K .pdf)*, by Anthony Lising Antonio. April 1998 Focus on Law Studies, Spring 1998, Volume XIII Number 2, Affirmative Action: A Dialogue on Race, Gender, Equality and Law in America
Chilling Admissions: The Affirmative Action Crisis and the Search for Alternatives, published in 1998 by Harvard Education Publishing Group.
Diversity Challenged: Evidence on the Impact of Affirmative Action, published in 1998 by Harvard Education Publishing Group.
The Impact of Diversity on College Students: The Latest Research, by Debra Humphreys, AAC&U, for the Ford Foundation Campus Diversity Initiative. 1998
Who Benefits from Racial Diversity in Higher Education? , by Mitchell J. Chang, Loyola Marymount University, and Alexander W. Astin, University of California, Los Angeles. Diversity Digest, Winter 1997
Diversity Works: The Emerging Picture of How Students Benefit, by Daryl Smith, Claremont Graduate University. 1997 Contact information and summary for The Impact of Diversity on Students: A Preliminary Review of the Research Literature, by Morgan Appel, David Cartwright, Daryl G. Smith, and Lisa E. Wolf. Diversity Digest, Fall 1996 General Counsel, United States Department Of Education, July 1996 Reaffirmation of the Department of Education's position that, under the Constitution and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is permissible in appropriate circumstances for colleges and universities to consider race in making admissions decisions and granting financial aid.
Research Shows Positive Student Response to Diversity Initiatives
Building Community Through Diversity, University of Colorado at Boulder
Choosing Higher Education: Educationally Ambitious Chicanos and the Path to Social Mobility by Patricia Gandara, University of California-Davis. May 1994
Resource Guide for Assessing Campus Climate, California Postsecondary Education Commission Report 92-24:
Toward an Understanding of Campus Climate: A Report to the Legislature in Response to Assembly Bill 4071 (Chapter 690, Statutes of 1988), California Postsecondary Education Commission Report 90-19: * NOTE: If you don't already have a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader to access PDFs, you can obtain a free copy from Adobe. |