U-M Law School Student Senate Resolution
Supporting the U-M Law School's Affirmative Action Policy and Efforts to Defend It January 20, 2003 The University of Michigan Law School Student Senate hereby declares its support for the affirmative action policy at the University of Michigan Law School. Furthermore, the Senate endorses all actions taken by the University of Michigan to defend that policy.Diversity is integral to the highest quality legal education. The differences of opinion that dominate the national discourse likewise exist within the Michigan community. It is that very diversity, of opinion, of experience and of background, that is at stake in this lawsuit. Affirmative action is a necessary mechanism to ensure that this educational community remains accessible to the highest caliber of students from all walks of life. There may come a time when affirmative action is no longer necessary, when the playing field is truly level, but that time is not today. Therefore, it is vital to the fundamental mission of Michigan Law and all public educational institutions that the Supreme Court affirm the decision of the Sixth Circuit. The Supreme Court must recognize that diversity is a compelling state interest and that the affirmative action policy at the University of Michigan Law School is indeed narrowly tailored to serve that interest.