Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit Central Events
October 8-12, 2018
University of Michigan leaders shared notable progress in the implementation of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Strategic Plan during the 2018 DEI Summit, as more than 1,200 faculty, staff, and students convened for the Community Assembly.
Substantive advancements were made in the university’s efforts to recruit and retain a diverse community, build an inclusive campus climate, and ensure that individuals from all backgrounds can thrive at U-M. Presenters also discussed the challenges the community must continue to work on to fulfill the plan goals, which in turn advances U-M’s excellence as a public university.
READ MORE: 2018 DEI Summit – Celebrating Progress and Addressing Challenges
Read the Year 2 Report (2018) and check out additional unit-sponsored events.

9 – 10:30 AM
With Award-Winning Actress, Social Activist and Author of In the Country We Love, Diane Guerrero from the Emmy- and Golden Globe-nominated series Orange Is the New Black.
Moderated by Author and Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist, Leonard Pitts, Jr., who writes about diversity and current affairs for the Miami Herald and more than 250 newspapers.
Please note that this event is not ticketed. Seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis
2018 DEI Summit Recap Video
View the 2018 DEI Summit Recap video to hear different perspectives about our progress to date from students, staff, faculty and leadership, as well as view highlights from several of the special events.
Below are photo galleries of the Community Assembly and a sampling of the many university-wide and unit-sponsored events held throughout the week, along with video of the Community Assembly presented in four installments.
10/08 Community Assembly & Discussion
A community assembly kicked off the 2018 DEI Summit. Opening remarks were made by President Schlissel and other senior leaders, and the year-two progress report for U-M’s five-year Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion was outlined by Chief Diversity Officer Robert Sellers. The event’s featured guest actress and activist Diane Guerrero, star of “Orange is the New Black,” discussed the experience of dealing with her parents’ deportation, and the importance of voting in a talk moderated by Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Leonard Pitts Jr.
DEI Summit Community Assembly & Discussion Part 2: U-M DEI Plan Progress Report
DEI Summit Community Assembly & Discussion Part 3: Keynote Conversation with Diane Guerrero and Leonard Pitts, Jr.
DEI Summit Community Assembly & DiscussionPart 4: Student Performance by Yoni Ki Baat & Closing Remarks
10/08 DEI Leads Luncheon
The DEI Leads Luncheon brought together the nearly 100 unit DEI leads from across campus to celebrate the successes of the past year and discuss their unit plans for the future.
10/08 Student Leadership Luncheon
The Student Leadership Luncheon brought U-M students and leadership together from across campus to share updates on their efforts and ideas for future initiatives.
10/08 Social Transformation through Public Engagement
Leaders from different sectors gathered to discuss how partnerships with higher education can help inform and implement social change. President Mark S. Schlissel shared remarks on the intersection between two major U-M initiatives: Public Engagement & Impact and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
10/08 Promoting Equity & Inclusion: Eliminating Sexual Misconduct at U-M
A panel discussion with university leaders explored U-M’s responsibility to ensure a safe, equitable and respectful community.
10/10 Student Life Design Thinking Event for Campus Climate Initiatives
A student-driven design thinking session took place to brainstorm new ideas for campus climate initiatives.
10/12 A VOICES of the Staff Film Screening and Conversation – Me, The “Other”
A screening of Me, The “Other,” a documentary about a diverse group of students in Southeast Michigan and their stories of ‘otherness’ featured a conversation with the cast and crew and a panel discussion.