DEI 2.0 Year 2: Unit Plans & Contacts
Every school, college and campus unit created a diversity, equity and inclusion strategic plan addressing its unique local needs and opportunities. In the sections below, you will find links to each of the 51 plans, along with contact information for the unit implementation leads. The plans will be updated annually through a continuous and iterative planning process. We encourage you to get involved with the ongoing diversity, equity and inclusion efforts happening in your school, college or unit.
You also can email ideas and feedback to
Download a list of contact information for all unit implementation leads (PDF)
Bentley Historical Library
Center for Research on Learning & Teaching (CRLT)
Center for the Education of Women (CEW+)
College of Literature, Science, & the Arts
Communications (Office of the Vice President)
Division of Public Safety and Security
Equity, Civil Rights and Title XI
Ford School of Public Policy
Graham Sustainability Institute
Information & Technology Services
Institute for Social Research
Marsal Family School of Education
Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum
Office of Budget and Planning (Provost)
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Office of Enrollment Management
Office of the President/Vice President and Secretary of the University
Officer Education Programs
School for Environment and Sustainability
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Stamps School of Art and Design
Stephen M. Ross School of Business
Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)